uchida_1.jpgLOOPWHEELER福岡でたいへんお世話になっているPLACERWORKSHOPの内田洋一朗くんが本日12/1から12/10まで千駄ケ谷Tas Yard隣接の通称鳥小屋でOrchidsの展示販売をします。僕は福岡店のオープンの時に彼と出会うまでは蘭というものを全くと言っていいほど知らなかったわけです。蘭というとよく開店祝とかでいただく胡蝶蘭しか知らなかったのですが、蘭はもともと、木や岩に根を張り、わりと厳しい環境下でも育つ、案外強い植物だということを内田くんから教えてもらったわけです。今やオーキッドスタイリストと各方面から注目を集めているPLACER WORKSHOP 内田洋一朗くんの東京デビューです。お時間ございましたら是非ともご覧いただけましたらと思います。
Mr Youichiro Uchida of PLACERWORKSHOP (a man to whom I am greatly indebted) will be running an Orchid exhibition and sales stall from today (1/12) until December 12th in Sendagaya at Tas Yard (a local coffee shop/restaurant) in the adjoining ‘Hen House’, as this annex has become popularly known.
Until I met him at the opening of our Fukuoka shop I knew almost nothing about Orchids. The extent of my knowledge regarding Orchids was limited to that of the Moth Orchid that one often receives at the opening of a new store as a congratulatory gift. However, from Mr Uchida I learned that Orchids by their nature spread their roots within rocks and trees and that they are in fact an unexpectedly resilient species, capable of prospering within relatively harsh environments. At the present time Mr Youichiro Uchida of PLACER WORKSHOP (who has been gaining prominence on all fronts due to his work as an Orchid Stylist), is making his Tokyo debut. If you have the time, please come and have a look.
The display and graffiti are both really typical of his style. They are all Orchids!
These too are Orchids. One really gains the sense that as plants they are simultaneously resilient, yet graceful.
These I hear are easy to nurture. There are many varieties, from the minuscule to the slightly more standard in size.
I find myself fascinated by this one. I love its simplicity. I have been told that it will blossom.
How about having one on your desk? Without a doubt it will soothe and calm you. To both those who are knowledgeable about Orchids and those who are laymen, please take the opportunity to have a look.
There are many people who may not be able to understand and appreciate the deliberate and careful nature of a passion such as this, but when one lives for their passions and pursues their dreams as tirelessly as Mr Uchida, eventually the fruits of one’s labor will become apparent. @Satoshi Suzuki / WEG