William and LV TOKYO CITY GUIDE 2013

will_lv.jpg画像の英国人はWilliam Edward Gilesくん。彼は英国のLEEDS大学を卒業し、秋田の国際教養大学、スペインのGranada大学にそれぞれ留学し語学を習得した秀才。お気づきの方もいらっしゃるかと思いますが、少し前からニュースの英訳をしてもらってます。週末に千駄ケ谷店で販売見習いをしている時もありますので、どうぞよろしくお願いします。日本語は完璧ではありませんので、少し迷惑をおかけしてしまうこともありますが、お気軽に話しかけていただけたら嬉しく思います。手に持っているのは、LOUIS VUITTON TOKYO CITY GUIDE 2013最新版です。142ページにLOOPWHEELER千駄ケ谷店を掲載していただいております。名だたる名店の中にまざって、背筋が伸びる思います。どのような基準で選ばれたのかはわかりませんが、きっと片山正通さんタイラーブリュレさんのお力添えあってのことだと感じています。ありがとうございます。海外から東京にいらっしゃる皆さま、また東京にお住まいのみなさまもレストランなんか参考になりますので、よかったら購入してみてください。@鈴木さとし
The Englishman in the photo above is William Edward Giles. He graduated from Leeds University in England as a student of languages. In addition, he studied abroad at Akita International University as well as the University of Granada in Spain. It may have already been noted by some of you, but recently he has been translating my news feeds into English. He also works weekends from time to time at our Sendagaya store, learning the ins and outs of being a member of the sales staff at Loopwheeler, so please remember him. His Japanese isn’t perfect, so there may be times when it’s bothersome for you, but I think he’ll be happy if you speak to him. In his hand he is holding a copy of the latest edition of the LOUIS VUITTON TOKYO CITY GUIDE (the 2013 edition). We were lucky enough to have our Loopwheeler Sendagaya shop featured somewhere within its 142 pages. We find ourselves placed amongst various esteemed brands and notable stores、so we will try our best to keep on moving in this direction. I have no idea of the criteria by which we were chosen, but I have a feeling that it has a lot to do with the esteemed support of individuals such as Mr Masamichi Katayama and Mr Tyler Brûlé, so thank you both. This book will serve as a useful point of reference for restaurants etc for both individuals visiting Tokyo, as well as those living here, so please buy a copy and have a read. @Satoshi Suzuki / WEG