御礼 !!

2013_pp1.jpg極寒の早朝よりたいへん多くのお客さまにいらしていただき、まことにありがとうございました!心より御礼申し上げます。おかげさまで本日より千駄ケ谷店も無事に2013年のスタートを切ることができました。並んでくださったみなさまには、もれなくCoffee Kiosk Be a good neighborの梶原氏が手作りでつくってくれた鶴亀饅頭をお渡しすることができました。元和菓子職人であったこともあり、なかなか素敵な仕上がりとなったかなと思っています。ほんの気持ばかりですが、本日中にお召し上がりいただけましたらと思います。
A huge thankyou to the many customers who braved the mid-winter early morning to be at the store today! I really am deeply grateful. It is thanks to you guys that from today we were successfully able to start 2013. We were able to hand out to everyone waiting the crane and tortoise steamed buns that were kindly created by Mr Kajihara of Coffee Kiosk Be a good neighbor. Mr Kajihara is a confectionary artisan and I think that the finished product was pretty fantastic. If possible, please try and eat them today.
This gentleman is in pole position… for the second consecutive year! I hear that he was there since 3am. Thank you so much for waiting in the freezing cold! To all those who did us the honor of lining up outside, I sincerely hope that you haven’t caught colds. Please take good care of yourselves. This is an extended holiday notice for the Fukuoka store. From the 7th to the 9th will be a consecutive holiday. To everybody around Fukuoka, I apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause.
On that note, once again this year we will continue manufacturing in the Loopwheeler way, so we ask for your support. That reminds me; first thing on the 16th you might want to check the latest edition of Begin magazine……@Satoshi Suzuki / WEG