
The sample for the mountain crest hoody is complete. I slightly amended the previously mentioned mountaineering themed badges and adorned a LW290 high zip hoody with 6 of them.
lw290_mountain2.jpgグレーメランジの他にはマリンとブラックを製作する予定です。今回はCERVUS NIPPON日本鹿ですかね。奈良が有名ですが、和歌山の山奥にも棲息しているのかな。
In addition to grey mélange I’m planning to produce marine and black versions. This time we have the CERVUS NIPPON, or Japanese spotted deer. Nara is famous for them, but I wonder if they also inhabit the mountain recesses of Wakayama.
Climbing mountains in winter is risky, but I believe that springtime, when there is some remaining snow in certain areas is the best season to enjoy walking in the mountains. Recently the number of people going hiking in the mountains has been on the up, so please take heed so as not to run into any troubles. I’m hoping to release this by the end of this month, so please hang on just a little longer. @Satoshi Suzuki / WEG