lw_vor_bb1_2.jpg本日1/16発売のBegin BB10で栄誉あるBB1をいただきました。Begin編集部のみなさん、Nikeのみなさん、このプロジェクトにかかわっていただいた全てのみなさんに感謝と御礼です、ありがとうございました!今まで、あるようでなかった手法です。ライニングとインソールにLWベーシック吊り裏毛ループをそのまま使用してループウィラー的な履き心地を実現しています。Begin編集部が名づけてくれたのが「フワMAX」、おもわず笑みがこぼれる履き心地です。
We were lucky enough to receive the honor of ‘BB1’ (first place out of 10) in the issue of Begin magazine that went on sale today (16/1). To all the Begin editors, everyone at Nike and all those who had something to do with this project, I offer my thanks and gratitude. Thank you! This is a technique that up until now we had not tried. On the lining and the insole we have used LW basic french terry as it is, thus allowing the wearer to experience our fabrics in the way that was intended. The Begin editorial team named this model the ‘Fuwa (Fluffy) MAX’. The feeling when wearing these will make you smile.
Maybe it’s not really conveyed through a photo, but this is the ‘Fuwa’ bit.
Since producing the LW Blazer in September 2008, this is the follow-up NIKExLOOPWHEELER shoe. For this version, every minor spec detail was fussed over, from the Air Vortex base, the letter W on the tongue, the insole with our name in Katakana, the heel logo, the reflector color, the alternative laces, the circular LW logo on the shoe bag, everything.
I plan to upload detailed sample photos at a later date, so if for now you would purchase issue 292 of Begin magazine, I would be very happy. The shoe itself is at the present time set for release on Friday February 1st and will be sold at NIKE Harajuku, Osaka, Fukuoka and another 5 stores, 18 BEAMS stores as well as all three of our Loopwheeler stores. On this occasion, this model will be released only in Japan. Thanks everyone. @Satoshi Suzuki / WEG